• Livermore, CA 94551
  • info@spktechnologiesinc.com

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Product Development

New Product Development is the complete process of bringing a new product to market and involves idea generation, product design and engineering.

Our complete New Product Development offerings include:

New product lines

Product repositioning

Modifications to existing products

Product revisions

We are offering comprehensive software Product Development Services. For Independent Software Vendors ( ISV’s), we provide full product development lifecycle services, including architecture, design, development, integration, implementation, customization and support. Our sizable offshore development team can assist you in development/enhancement of your product(s) either on a turnkey basis or by augmenting your development team by way of FTEs (Full Time Equivalents).

If you are a ISV and need to develop or maintain a product we would recommend that you consider our established services; this can help you ensure that development is continuous and product development is a proactive process where before release of the final product resources are allocated to go any customer specific modifications that may be needed.

Please write to us at info@spktechnologiesinc.com to find out more information on how we can assist you in the development/enhancement/maintenance of your software products.